When we first launched, one of our polls revealed that pet owners would like to know how to make their own healthy treats for their fur babies, and also fun, teaching toys. Your Pet Space scoured the web and found the following links:
33 Dog Toys You Can Make From Things Around the House
Make Your Own Homemade Rabbit Toys
Cat Toys
Five Cheap Bird Toys You Can Make at Home
And, our fav:
Recipe Ideas for Quick and Healthy Homemade Dog Treats
Diabetic Dog Treats
Cat Treats: Homemade Cat Food Recipes
Bird Food and Treat Recipes
Homemade Rat Treats
And our fav:
We would LOVE to have you send in to us your toy ideas and natural recipes for treats or food! Just post on our Facebook page, comment here or e-mail to joy@yourpetspace.info

Joy Jones is a syndicated columnist living with her husband Dave in Anderson, Ohio. When not working on Your Pet Space, she writes a metaphyscial column called The Midwestern Buddhist as well as urban fantasy and humor. You can e-mail her at joy@yourpetspace.info as well as follow her on Facebook or Twitter.