So…what’s new this week?
We have created a dedicated page to The Big E-Book Project! Please check out this link at the top of our main page. We are looking for any and all dog/cat/horse owners to contribute to this project.
Affiliate News
Petbrosia contacted us this week and invited YPS to do a free trial and product review on both their dog and cat food. Watch this space for the result!
In addition, three new contributors have been added to the Staff Page. We are proud to introduce you to Tina Caldwell (professional dog and horse trainer), Cindy Huff (professional animal communicator) and Tina Whitehair (professional web designer for YPS). Please check out their profiles and drop them a note with your questions and comments.
We are always looking for quality content for Your Pet Space–from both pet professionals and pet owners. This includes articles, interviews, product reviews, book reviews and your personal experiences. Please contact us at