I started hearing animals as a young child. As an adult, I was lead back to animal communication by my dog, Gaylord. I knew something was terribly wrong with him, but the vets could find nothing. I met the person who would become my animal communication teacher at my first psychic festival, and I was convinced that indeed people and animals COULD hear each other through her work with my dog. Since that time, I have seriously studied and practiced animal communication with all manner of critters including snakes, birds, tortoises, dogs, cats, horses, fish, and wildlife of all sorts. Along the way I became a certified Healing Touch for Animals practitioner, a Usui Shiki Ryobo Reiki Master, a Master in Crystology, and a certified Level 1 Equine/Canine relaxation massage therapist. In 2001 I founded Animal Communication and Wellness Services (ACWS), and was joined in 2004 by Terri Noftsger. The primary focus of our business is to support families that include animals, helping both human and animal to understand one another better through animal communication and complimentary healing modalities such as HTA, flower essences, massage, essential oils and flower essences, and medical intuitive work. Our goal is to reduce the number of animals who are in shelters and rescue organizations through helping humans and animals understand each other. We participate yearly in several rescue organization events including the GABR Basset Bash & Waddle, Strut your Mutt, Glendale’s Spooky Pooch event, as well as many other events benefiting local rescues, shelters, and dog training clubs.
Communication is an exchange of information, feelings, or thoughts between two or more beings. Animal communication involves communication between human and animal, or between animal and animal. Humans and animals communicate on many levels, just as humans communicate with one another on many levels. We communicate with each other through sound, body language, smell and taste, and signals or cues. For example, when your dog or cat comes and sits in front of the refrigerator, chances are they are telling you that they are hungry and that they want you to feed them. They have communicated with you. Animal communicators use telepathic communication as well as the other forms of communication listed above to talk with animals. Most animals are very adept at telepathic communication, and are very happy when a human finally “hears” them. Animals communicate telepathically by sending pictures, feelings, phrases or words, or physical sensation to the communicator. The animal communicator in turn relays this information to the caregiver.
How does this work? While I can’t give you a precise scientific answer, we can explain how it works for us as an animal lovers and animal communicators. Basically it all starts with the heart connection we have with animals around us. When we feel love towards another human or an animal, we form an energetic connection with that being. Specifically, we are referring to the energetic connection that forms between the human’s heart chakra and the animal’s heart chakra. [If you don’t know what a chakra is, blog and let us know and we’ll explain that next time!] Two things happen when the energetic connection forms: the connection opens a “pipe” through which communication can flow; and the animal and human can then “hear” each other through that pipe. We can “hear” each other using a sense we all have called telepathy. This sense allows us to receive pictures, sounds, words, feelings, emotions, physical sensations, smells, tastes, and a “knowing”. Unlike our physical senses, telepathy lets us get information in a variety of forms!
Have you ever had the experience of “knowing” something is not right with your cat or dog? They seem to look and behave normally to you, but something is just “off”. The animal has telepathically communicated to you that something is wrong. When we talk to lost dogs or cats, for example, one of the things we ask them to do is send us pictures telepathically of what is around them. When a client wants to know if something is physically wrong with their pet, we ask the pet to share with us how they are feeling in their body. We can’t diagnose because we are not veterinarians, but we can provide the information the animal gives us in response to that question. That information could be in the form of words, visuals, an emotion such as tiredness, or a physical sensation that we get such as a feeling of nausea or pain in an area of the body.
The goal of animal communicators is to help humans and animals learn to live and work together more effectively by promoting understanding between them. In addition, we endeavor to teach humans how to “listen” to their own animals, thereby enriching their lives together tremendously.
Cindy Huff has agreed to do a regular feature for us here at Your Pet Space! Feel free to post questions or comments to this post, or e-mail us with questions at joy@yourpetspace.info You can also check out her bio on our Staff Page. She’s looking forward to hearing from you!