Just When You Thought You Knew Us!


Someone once told me that opinions are like noses: everyone has one, they’re all different and no one is better than another.  I’ve found that mostly to be true.  In the world of pets, also, we know that each one is unique, even if certain things about their breed or training or age are similar.  It’s tempting, then, to think that once we draw a few conclusions about a pet we have the whole picture–when that can actually be pretty far from the truth.  Dave and I see changes in the pets we serve on a daily basis: new things we never realized about who they are, how they react to other pets and us. Essentially, one can never know all there is to know–because pets, like people, change and grow.

In the same way, we have seen that sometimes clients think they know all we have to offer–but they are surprised when we mention one thing or another we do.  So I thought I’d take the opportunity here to write about:

Things You Might Not Know About Your Pet Space


We care for all types of pets in the home. That includes:

  • Cats
  • Birds
  • Ferrets and other small pets
  • Horses and other livestock
  • Reptiles

cat in cone

We care for pets in their homes that are:

  • Unsocialized
  • Have a low immune system
  • Are older or fragile
  • Are currently fighting illness
  • Have a severe injury
  • Are very shy

YPS Petmobile

We provide transport.

Dave and I actually live on the opposite side of Las Cruces from our facility, so we’re back and forth from east to west a couple of times each day.  So it’s very easy for us to transport your pet to/from:

  • Our facility–for daycare or boarding
  • Your vet–for routine procedures
  • The groomer or dog wash
  • The airport–we can pickup your arriving pet or place your pet on a plane if it needs to join you elsewhere.

Often, our fee is only whatever the distance is off our usual route, not even the entire way!


Also, just some of our unique features are:

  • A 6,000 square foot temperature controlled indoor play space.
  • Cage/kennel free sleeping areas for pets with a daily naptime.
  • An Off Leash Play and Temperament Assessment for every new dog entering our facility.
  • Staff coached by certified trainers in dog body language and pet CPR and First Aid
  • Staff on site twenty-four hours with boarded pets at the appropriate ratio of dogs to people to keep them safely supervised.
  • A Fit Paws exercise program for dogs, offered twice weekly.
  • Visiting providers that offer pet reiki, chiropractic treatment, massage and reflexology.
  • Membership in the International Boarding and Pet Services Association, which requires all member facilities to adhere to its Code of Conduct concerning best practices for the pets in their care.

Would you like to know more about how our employees are trained and certified? Stop by YPS and let us show you the difference certification makes in the care of your pet!  

Get to know us better–you’ll be surprised what you find.

Your Pet Space, 3920 W. Picacho Ave, Las Cruces NM, 575-652-4404

Joy Jones

Joy Jones, Publisher, is also the Vice President of Your Pet Space, a cage free dog boarding facility serving the greater Las Cruces, NM area. She is also a syndicated columnist whose book Indigo was recently published. When not working at Your Pet Space, she writes a metaphysical column, as well as humor. You can e-mail her at joy@yourpetspace.info as well as follow Your Pet Space on Facebook.

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